Privacy Policy

Basic Statement

In accordance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, Caring For Children Foundation Limited ("The Agency") has adopted the following policies to safeguard the user's personal data and is committed to protecting its confidentiality. Please read this Privacy Policy before submitting your personal data.

Purpose of Collection

The Agency will handle your service request and donation according to your personal data provided. You may decline to provide the Agency with the requested personal data, but in such case the Agency may not handle your request accordingly due to insufficient information. Please ensure your provided information is correct and contact the Agency if there is any update.

Access of Personal Data

The Agency collects the user's personal data on a voluntary basis only. Without the user's consent, the Agency will limit the collection and use of personal data to the purpose directly related to charitable fund raising and the functions or activities stated on the collection. The Agency will not disclose any individual information to other organisations or personals unless release is required by law or is pertinent to judicial or government investigations or proceedings.

Only designated employees who need to carry out the legitimate activities/functions are permitted to view your personal data. The Agency may disclose your personal data to the relevant parties listed below for the purposes stated:

  1. Any personnel, agent, contractor or service provider who provides services to the Agency in connection with its operations. Where the Agency shares Personal Data with any third party, it takes reasonable steps to ensure that the parties are aware of and comply with applicable data protection legislation to maintain Personal Data appropriately.
  2. The persons or organisations you have given consent to such disclosure.

The Agency will not sell, rent or transmit any personal data collected to other organisations.

Collection and Use of Personal Data

The Agency's web server tracks and collects general information about the visits to this website. Those information, such as the daily numbers of visitors to the web site, the types of browsers used and etc. are for compilation of statistics purpose only.

Access to and Correction of Personal Data

If you want to enquire or change or remove your personal information, please write to the Office of the Agency. The address is as follows: 1C, Prince Building, 152 Prince Edward Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong.

Change of Privacy Policy

The Agency may amend this Policy from time to time and will notify such amendments on this page.