
閱讀和知識有助於改變命運,貧困地區農村的小學生幾乎沒有課外閱讀書籍,無法滿足學生的精神需求。誠邀各位慷慨解囊,幫助留守兒童,支持福幼基金會於山區的小學設置班級圖書角。每HK$100捐款,就可購置5冊課外書。設置每個圖書角約需HK$3,600 (RMB 3,000) 捐款,每學年以設置20個圖書角為目標!希望各位獻出愛心,多多益善,少少無拘!

We believe knowledge alters your fate, but the left-behind children in rural areas are constrained by the poor environment that they do not have the chance to meet their spiritual needs. Therefore, we cordially invite you to support these children by setting up Book Corners at the primary schools in rural areas.

Your generous donation of HK$100 will provide 5 extracurricular reading materials for the left-behind children. Each Book Corner costs HK$3,600 (RMB 3,000) approximately, we target to set-up a total of 20 Book Corners every academic year. We sincerely appreciate your kindness and generosity.



*Please choose your donation amount and press "Donate Now", and then fill-in the online donation information, the system will generate a donation receipt for donors to download immediately.

*Donations of HK$100 or above are tax-deductible with an official receipt. “Caring For Children Foundation" Charity Tax Registration No.: 91/3922.


About “Caring For Children Foundation"